Sunday, December 21, 2014

ATTENTION: All of you spoiled, lazy, unappreciative Americans.

We will communicate with you Americans from this moment on through this official blog.
This way, all Americans can share in our demands and requirements.

ATTENTION: All of you spoiled, lazy, unappreciative Americans. We are here to explain real reason for attacks on Sony Corporation computer.

 It's one thing for executives of Sony to criticize Leonardo Di Caprio
—even we are sick of Titanic.

 And it's one thing to make fun of Adam Sandler and his repetitive movies—

As a matter of fact, when our citizens are bad, we lock them in a room and make them watch 24 hours of Adam Sandler movies as punishment.

But it is another thing to make fun of Angelina Jolie. Here is the most perfect woman ever created. Both her inner and outer beauty cannot be matched by any female on earth. 
And you SONY producer have the nerve to call her a “minimally talented spoiled brat.” If we believed in hell, we'd tell you all to go there right now.

You are warned SONY. There is to be no more making fun of this goddess of light--
Angelina Jolie.

And we want to see her starring as Cleopatra. 

Even Elizabeth Taylor cannot come near the illumination of Angelina Jolie.


Liz Taylor is nothing but a pharaoh's slave compared to Angelina Jolie. You must give in to the requirements of the beautiful Angelina Jolie-- whom we call "Angel" here in Democratic People's Republic of Korea. (the real Korea)

more to follow...

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